Monday, March 31, 2008
Ever since back from Florida, I had been busy packing, packing and packing... Packing my boxes. Such a short time left and I have lots to sort and coordinate. Even though I am leaving the squadron soon, the amount of work that I have to commit has not loosen any. Lucky for those who don't hold any appointments.
My boxes are gone! My house is empty! I can hear the echoes when I sneezed or coughed... Finally it's not messy anymore. Argh, I just can't stand trash that are in my way. (applies to all humans that are of no use to the society too)
Those new rotation guys touched down yesterday. Haven't met up with them yet, anyway I will see them later in the afternoon during our DCC's Hi-Bye party. Let them say "hi" to us and me saying "bye" to them...
Time flies... How many times have we all hear that already? Ya... Ya... So it's a fact. 50 months here in the States is really a great experience for me.
I love America. I want to stay here forever. Am I repeating myself again? I had forgotten how many times I had told all my American friends here that I rather stay. I will miss them all. All the great times we had spent together having house party, doing crazy stuffs and wild funs...
**Hmm... Somehow imeem isn't working on my blog. I will try to figure it out sooner or later...
all gone, just like that... 2:31 AM
Monday, March 10, 2008
Total Recall
A full weekend in Florida... Nothing much, went shopping at Destin and followed by party, at
Club La Vela yesterday. Today is just basically hitting the Panama City Beach...
When I was in Club La Vela yesterday, I suddenly felt better. Even though I never really enjoyed myself like the other thousands in there, as I was standing all the while on the patio looking at the dance floor. I still find my body moved naturally as the beat goes on. Even though somehow I am losing the feeling of enjoying the happenings in the club and everything, I still love loud music, the vibration of the low frequency bass pulsating through my heart & veins just somehow makes me feels good.
No music... No life...I love to dance. I love dance music. You name it, eurodance, progressive, trance, vocal-trance, hip-hop and alternatives. By the way, I would like to take this opportunity to educate the people out there who have no idea about genres of music that, those dance music that you hear frequently or those that typical stupid Singaporean thinks only "Ah-Beng" listens to, are not classified under Techno. They are more commonly Eurodance. Almost all derived from Europe & UK, hence the name Eurodance. Yes, there is a genre of music call Techno but its more hardcore, more of like electronic noises, sort of close to hard trance. Like those you hear on Friday or Saturday nights in
Zouk. So, dorks out there, get it? I hate hearing people saying that Eurodances are Technos. (Those interested on hearing what genre is what genre of music can go to
Digitally Imported on the left-hand side of my menu under
So much for that. Since the age of 15, I had been hitting clubs and pubs everywhere, getting to know people and ways of getting into them. It all started when I got to know
XD. He is a crazy and yet awesome guy. He is 1 year younger than me but we both don't really look our age during that time, that's also one of the reasons why we can get into clubs.
Monday & Wednesday - Ladies Nite, Mambo NiteTuesday - OffThursday - Tertiary NiteFriday & Saturday - Night DiscSunday - Free & EasyWe both love to dance in the club and we both are damn good. We have our moves and we are flexible. We are always looking for the podium space to get our moves as we hate to squeeze among the crowds. Usually when people go clubs they tend to look for hook-up over the bar, dance floor or anywhere. But we go just purely because of the music and the dance. So far in the history of my partying life, I have never ever get any numbers from any ladies at all, not to say that I am unfriendly or what, its just that I don't see the need to and maybe I am afraid of being rejected I guess? Hee... But through these years we made quite a number of friends from clubs as well, also including ladies coming up to us for numbers as well. I remembered
Denise is the only one girl that XD went to get her number for me because of just a passing remark I made, "That girl sure knows how to dance, I like her moves." Before even I can stop him, he got it already. Haa.
Well both of us been through alot, really.
12 years of friendship already. Fights with others, police stations and lots of illegal stuffs that I can't mention here. We have so many different friends coming in & out of our different phases of life. Only XD stays throughout. Only he understands who I really am...
I feel that it is because I started to enjoy life too early. You name it, I did it. All the thrills, parties
and bad ass stuffs... But no regrets in life, I am rather thankful that I have been through so much as I believe every occurrence in life has a learning value. I am only envious of people around my age still having their hands up in the air partying hard and finding everything amusing to them, whereas I had already passed that stage of life...
As I finish on writing this post, I come to realise that I am just an empty shell probably waiting for another phase of my life to come until I reach another age, as I had already fulfilled what my mind & body needs for now, way ahead years ago...
all gone, just like that... 9:59 AM
Monday, March 3, 2008

To even begin what is going to happen here, I must say that I felt my life is in a mess. My boxes are leaving on the March, 24 and I will only be back home on March, 15. The problem is that I have no time to pack them! And not even 1 box is done packing! Damn! Can I just skip the packing instead? And let me stay here forever? *sigh*

Hey it's
Spring Break! Schools are out and parties are in! Drink throughout the day, bikini & wet T-shirt contests going on, beach/foam parties happening and get laid on the beach and everywhere. Simply it's just booze & sex for all the college kids here.
I shouldn't even be here in Panama City, Florida right now. I should be clearing my boxes. This is the 3rd consecutive Spring break that I am having here since 2006... 1st time was interesting, 2nd time you get to hit all the places that you didn't managed to during the 1st visit, and... the 3rd time everything is just boring... to me...

Somehow at this stage of my life, I seems to find everything dull... Seems like I have lost sight of colours. I find all things are boring. I seems to have a problem but I don't know what is it or what is causing me to be like this. Everyday I put on my array of masks to face the world out there, I don't even know who am I really anymore. What is my purpose of staying alive? I am avoiding somehow. I need to find my solitude, a place that I can be carefree or even to have a goal in life once again. I guess I will need someone to guide me through. I am just like a
message-in-a-bottle floating in the ocean until somebody finds me and open the message...
all gone, just like that... 5:54 PM