Monday, October 29, 2007
Have A Kit-Kat
I am feeling super lethargic today. Kept myself on the bed as long as possible with my pillow over my head, disregarding the sunlight that was peeping through my window blinds. Lazy Sunday. Don't feel like doing anything, just want to keep my
hibernation mode. Why do I always get this feeling on Sunday? Argh... Luckily I am getting a day off tomorrow. I can put my house chores till tomorrow then. I need a break. But I did laundry and ironed my uniform as usual.
I was sorting out tonnes of files in my laptop. Editing photos, moving them, renaming those unsorted, defragmenting, doing system clearing. I was at it for the whole day... Went into my email accounts to clear old mails that I kept for memories. I need to put everything behind and have a new start. Hmm... What for do I still keep those things from my ex? I believed that they had already trashed my stuffs into the bin the very instance they broke up with me. Anyway, I only read through once and upon finishing, there it goes into the recycle bin. Silly me, I thought to myself.
In the event of doing all that, I got a message from my cousin, Catherine, through the MSN. Just usual chat on updating each other. Suddenly she asked me if I am still single. Hmm... I knew something was fishy... She said she wanna introduce a girl to me,
Stephanie. Lolz! Knowing her for so long, never did she have this kind of opportunity for me, then all of a sudden now... I can't stop laughing to myself when I was chatting with her on that topic. I asked why. She told me that because she feels that Stephanie is a good girl and good girl should goes with good guy. My immediate respond was "Good girls are all taken up or either extinct". That's my fact.
I got to emphasis this is purely my fact only because I don't want people to base on what I say to get offended. Previously, I had a girl friend debating over this with me and we ended up not friends anymore. (she is a bit off her mind anyway) What I feel is that girls are getting more intelligent nowadays. (with the characteristic of increased human intellect on my previous post;
My Blog Name) Maybe there are a few out there who are still pure at heart, 0.001% of the population? Population = Females, around my age that are still single. You do the math and what's left? Actually I know a lot of good girls but as I said they are all taken up. They are just my friends, I hear them complaining about their partner at times. Some guys are just jerks. They don't know how to appreciate what is there in front of them. I keep seeing all the jerks getting all the good girls. Those jerks keep stomping the girls at their feet and they just keep holding on. I really can't understand why girls crave for jerks. I keep telling myself that I am not going to get so committed in the next relationship, I wanna be a jerk but somehow or rather I dived into it again. Time and time again I keep committing the same mistakes. I believe that girls aren't meant to be ill treated and I give them the best I can when I love them. People don't treasures what they have until they lost them, thus I am always being taken for granted. Putting it all in deeply and when it turns out nothing, I am always the one salvaging & getting hurt. I feel

Girls? They will come automatically when I cash them out. I am not degrading them. Girls out there please think thoroughly and ask yourself how much you love your current partner? How much percentage is true love and how much percentage is love bought? During marriage, you swear to go through thick & thin, poverty or whatever whatever in front of witnesses. Really if your partner goes bankrupt and can't provide you all that was before and got to have bread for daily meals, will you still stay? Or you say "Hell with ya!". Ok Ok, don't talk about marriage, say just a Boy Girl Relationship, which you need not to swear or sign papers. You think you will still stay true to the guy? Come on... It's a material world. Much things are being bought, even love. Yes, you may love your partner but I will say only about 20% based on the guy's character. The rest of the 80% you can divide into the materialistic side. Say if he owns a car, that's some points and to own an even more expensive car will get more points of course. Staying HDB flats, 4-rooms, 5-rooms, executive or not, condominiums, semi-detach houses or bungalows, all these gets different percentage too. The amount of money he willing to spend on you fills up the rest of the 80% to make it up to the 100% love you have for him. That's why even guys with s*** characters (jerks) also can get many girl because as long as he fills up the 80%, the rest of the 20% is negligible to him. That's also why you see hideous monsters out there getting a gorgeous lady as partner. Good looks and pleasant hearts are
useless now.
Here I remind readers again, I didn't mentioned ALL females are as above. There are those who are still pure, it's only that I am not fated to meet them, that's all... Anyway, back to Stephanie and my cousin. I told Cat, since Stephanie is such a good girl, even by the time I return from USA, she will be attached anyway. Well, I was not introduced to her yet, so I am not keen on what is going to happen, since I am so far away... By the way, I am not so thicked skinned to be saying that I am a good guy or what. That's what Cat mentioned and it's for those who knows me to comment... Thanks sis, remember to tell Stephanie what I told you. Lolz.
all gone, just like that... 2:05 PM
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Welcome Ritual
It's that time of the year again, when we have new breeds of manpower rotation. A month ago we were sending people off at the airport. Now we are gonna have a welcome party for the new guys. It's been sometime since we ever had such gatherings. Such parties are healthy (even though many kidneys are damaged) because it strengthens the team work and the togetherness of our
Crew Chief trade.

First, to be able to join us as a Crew Chief of the
Black Widow, you must consume a raw egg together with the shell. Yes, you gotta grind the shell with your teeth, mix it all up in your mouth and swallow without dripping any, or else you will be awarded with a 2nd egg. To assist you with that swallowing, is a can of beer that you must finish drinking.
Second, take the squadron's shot; Widow Bite.
Third, take our Crew Chief's house mix; Falcon Bite. (ingredient is any liquid, mostly alcohol, free for all to mix.)

After all that you are proudly a Black Widow Crew Chief... Tough s*** huh? Now who wants to be a Crew Chief? Whoever thinks its easy, step out! Give them about 30 minutes, they should be puking, but of course within the 30 minutes, the rest of us will still be forcing more alcohol down their throat. After an hour, they should be knocked out, sleeping like a baby...
It's usually a mess when we have these kind of functions due to people getting drunk and puking everywhere. Those designated drivers and sober ones are to help clear up the squadron's lounge when the event is over... We had an enjoyable night. I feel good about our esprit de corp...
all gone, just like that... 2:53 PM
Ghost Rider

Nicholas, Johnston, TYH, John, LYS & Me [Lena is the photographer]
Got up a little bit earlier than what I supposed to usually on the weekend, as me and some guys had arranged to visit a motor show over at the Cardinals Stadium. We had our lunch at some Korean-Japanese restaurant that is just beside our base. The food is of good portion and delicious. Only until now that I found out this place. Thanks to John and rest of the guys.
Straight after lunch we head towards the stadium. It is the 27th Annual Cycle World,
International Motorcycle Show 2007. Too bad Angelo isn't around, if not he will be exploring this with us. The bikes on display are way too cool. Nothing you have ever seen before. Their customization are crazy. Pictures say a thousand words...

Bigg 12Candy Eye Cycle Design
ZX12R / Kawazaki
Engine: Bored and Stroked to 1375cc + 60 shot NOS

Check out the Nitrous Oxide System on this bike.
all gone, just like that... 7:13 AM
Friday, October 26, 2007
My Blog Name

This is what I believed and everybody should. Those that think otherwise are probably mentally ill.
Live life to the max. Enjoy every single second of your life, as you have no idea what will happen tomorrow. And most importantly enjoy what you choose to do...
Everybody in my field of work had, in the first place, chosen to be in here and doing what they are suppose to be doing now. Since they chose to sign on that piece of paper, they should be contended to what they have now. But everyday I hear people bitching about their job. The problem with these people is that they are looking for a job that pays them damn freaking well and do nothing at all. Dream on guys. Wake up! Whenever I hear people who are looking for a job, I always advice them to go for something that they are interested in. It's really important that you do what you are into, disregarding what it rewards you at the end of day, else you will be dragging yourself out of bed and shambling to work everyday. On the contrary, I like going to work. Because when I am in the squadron, I get to work with a lot of colleagues. Yes, colleagues. Most are good colleagues. We work hard and we have fun together. I mentioned colleagues rather than friends because...
Main Entry: 1friend Pronunciation: \ˈfrend\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle English frend, from Old English frēond; akin to Old High German friunt friend, Old English frēon to love, frēo free Date: before 12th century1 a: one attached to another by affection or esteem b: acquaintance
2 a: one that is not hostile b: one that is of the same nation, party, or group
3: one that favors or promotes something (as a charity)
4: a favored companion
5 capitalized: a member of a Christian sect that stresses Inner Light, rejects sacraments and an ordained ministry, and opposes war —called also Quaker...I don't see myself as any definitions of the word "
Friend". Well, after work we all take our own path and walk our way. It's just another day of work. Dictionary only gives you a general surface definition. You think you have a lot of friends? Let's do a count of friends on your MSN Messenger, Friendster, MySpace, email contacts and cellphone contacts. Getting hundreds? Cool. You try get into a real deep s*** trouble, look around and see who's left beside you, then you will know who your true friend really is... (yes, maybe you guys reading, have alot more than me, I am just expressing myself. This is my blog, remember?) I had been through all these before, I had my downs of my life, I know who my friends are... I may think otherwise from the others because I had started looking at life differently in the early stages of mine. You name it; I had experienced it, all the bad stuffs. I had no regrets. I have seen & heard a lot, but its not just memories. I take every encounter as something to learn. From there, I grow...
mask are you putting on today?
Each of us owns an array of masks... We have them on as we stepped out of our home. Most people don't notice that they are wearing it, only a few realizes... Different occasions, different purposes, different expressions... That's why we have people from all walks of life. End of the day, when we are back home, needless to hide, we reveal our true self again...
It's a material world. Hardly anyone is really truthful in the society right now. Only those real naive, those children. As human intellect manifests, it’s all about domination, survivor of the strongest, for the best of oneself and wealth at other's expenses... Then of course I am not saying that all mankind are like this. Somewhere out there, there are people who are
saviors reaching out to those in needs, irregardless of their status compared to the society. I hereby thank you all...
all gone, just like that... 1:16 PM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
In Memories...

of Ong Beng Hock. Pronounced deceased on 23 September 2007 at 9.20am.
It's been a month since he past away...
It was sudden, but many of us were knew that he was on the Death Reaper's list. It's only a matter of time... He was in the pink of health, only until one dreadful day when he fell in the bathroom.
Doctor diagnosed Cancer. Last stage. Maybe a month? Longest possible is 6 months. Whatever treatment was of no use, unless there's a miracle...
I managed to reach SG just before the Death Reaper. I was so determind to see him as he mentioned that he wanted to see us all. Visited him in the hospital twice. His breath was light, he was totally fragile...
I flew back to the States on 20 September 2007.
3 days later, he was gone...
He is my uncle...
all gone, just like that... 1:11 PM
Monday, October 22, 2007
The Winds Have Changed

Music: Ventura - Electrified
I was suppose to go for a car wash in the Air Force Base and to run some errands, but when I was about to step out of my bedroom, to put on my shoes, I saw a MSN message.
ANSON says:
playing soccer?
It's been so long since I last put on my soccer boots, so I guess might as well. That's how I ended up in the field with the rest of the guys. It's fated... It is an extremely windy day. The soccer game was tough as we were playing against the wind. No matter how much force you exerts from your foot to the point of contact on the soccer ball, you can't get it going the way you wanted it to. I wasn't much into the game as I feel that I am not a part of their team. Yes, teamwork is required but it only happens among themselves. All along I have felt this way. I am not a team player (used to be one), I can make things happen better alone. I always walk alone...
Before I came to the states, I never ever really played a proper soccer game with a pair of soccer boots before. It was those guys that bought me this pair of boots as my birthday present, June 2006. I was really happy as I felt welcomed then. Soon after that I got myself a proper attire or rather a few attires for the soccer game every Sunday. Thanks guys for the present. I really appreciates it. It will be a remembrance...
Anyway I am grateful to Anson because if I were to get a car wash, I am gonna get hit by the sand storm after the wash and that equals a waste of effort. After that soccer game, I also have made up my mind to hang up my boots. I was redundant to the game anyway. Seems like everybody wants to be a striker, how to play well as a team if everybody wants to score? Nobody is backing up the goal keeper and that really makes me pissed. To make matter worst, there is this guy from the recent rotation that acts like 'Alex Fugerson' in the field. Duh.
Lots of things happened. I gain lots of experiences from it. Life is balance. Almost like the Newton's 3rd law: "To every action force there is an equal, but opposite, reaction force" To simplify, it's "You gain some, you will lose some, vice versa."
I used to be among the guys, until the day I received recognition, given opportunities & ranked higher than those that were here in the states much longer than me. Things weren't so bad then. Until CSC told me and another guy about the path that had been laid in front of both of us and reminded us this is only let known to both of us so as to boost our Morales and to keep up the good work. To keep it down as he didn't want to stir up conflicts among us, our flight. I kept his words until now, but that KLK had immediately spread the news to BCI & every single DCC as we stepped out from the conference room. Then onwards, things started to differentiate. They see it as I outran them. I am an eye sore that caused them to have "red eyes". I was casted away. It's so obvious, that even other trades can see it. It has been going on since August 2006, and it is still going on for many rotations of guys because their batch are overwhelming...
Thanks to KLK, this has forced me to put in more efforts to my work in order to "cast" further away from them even more. Thanks...
New Captain is on board. New directions are set. Just waiting for my time comes to dock back SG. I am eager. But still, I am sailing along with the wind now, as those 'sailor' who chooses to sail against it will usually ends up in the bottom of the ocean...
all gone, just like that... 12:06 PM
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Judge Dredd

Nitrous Oxide System anyone?

Those blue lights are way too cool for the police to accept...
Damn it. I got pulled over by the police again... (I had lost count) Another citation... Seems like I just can't get enough of it. That freaking policeman was the previous guy that pulled me over before. S***. So damn unlucky. No chance given, too hostile, he even wanted to test if I had been drinking alcohol. Stupid cops, he should go to those central area where there are gun shooting incidents everyday, rather than to catch the modifications on my car. Anyway he is a crap. *sigh* This is gonna cost me at least USD$500. What to do? I asked for it...
Spoiled my day...
I have sinned... Did some shopping again... Argh! I need to cut my cards and keep all the cash at home. I am buying too much.

Damages done: Samsonite 4-wheeler 22" hand carry, GUESS sweater, GUESS jeans, Levi's 501.
I need to have discipline in myself from now onwards. No more shopping or outings to spend money. I seriously need to save up. Hibernation mode will start once winter comes. I need to isolate myself in solitude.
all gone, just like that... 6:25 PM
Dead Beat

It's only a 4 days week and I am totally exhausted.
Caffeine is not working anymore, I need something stronger.
I am in the day shift this week, sorry it's not (8am - 5pm), it's (4am - infinity)... Everyday operation is like a breeze to me. I can take awfully huge amount of workload. I don't see any task that is real tough. All tasks have idiot guide manuals for you as reference. I am tired because of the people sitting in the office hogging onto the computer. (We have like only 3 computers to share among 24 of us. Pathetic huh?) It's OK if you want to just sit in and do paperwork, because I am able to take up your job in the flight line, but whole day infront of the computer is still not enough to finish all your stuffs?! Even after work I still have to wait for at least an hour before he decides to log off from there. From then I am able to check my mails, to follow up on stuffs for my secondary appointment... Thus, ending my day in the squadron around 7pm or 8pm daily... But I am lucky enough to have CKW to accompany me after normal working hours to finish up appointment's stuffs everyday. Oh, he is doing another appointment and seems like his job is as never-ending as mine.

With all these hectic days, I still managed to run my errands to the bank and got myself a haircut. Impressive huh? Lolz. Thanks to the 'computer-hogger', while waiting for him to get his ID card out of the system, I ran all these little errands... I like to make full use of my time. I like to multi-task. I don't like to waste any waiting time, always to find the shortest way out of a situation. (Unless I am getting myself wasted...)
New management sets in... Many things are changing... That's why I need to 'pull up my socks' before the arrows come showering on me. I need to make sure I have all my ammunition ready for battle whenever needed. I need to be an extra step ahead of what they are thinking. I will be in the front line but hope that I won't step into any land mines.
all gone, just like that... 11:48 AM
Monday, October 8, 2007
Red means Aggression, Danger & Anger
So much for this week. Work is normal, just that there are now new members adding to our strength. Our new flight chief is online and he got most of us in for a introduction and talking session. I knew him and worked together with him before I came over to the states. He is an OK guy. Well, he told us what he wanted to achieve here and wanted us all to have a common goal. I believe he will make "them" all change for the better...
Lean back, open-top, take a breath of air up in the mountain and drive back to Phoenix
I don't know what have gotten into me recently. I have been driving like a mad man, but not to worry, I am a safety driver, its just that I keep speeding for no reason. Don't know why somehow when I get hold of my steering wheel, with my ignition on, I seems possessed by the car. Even when I am not rushing for time, I will go at least 60 mph on minor roads and 85 - 100 mph on the highways. Criminal speed... Needless to say when other drivers on the road try to race me, they will get it most of the time, unless their car is way overpower then I shan't waste my time. I am getting too comfortable with my car, I can control it well and I am well verse with the gears. If I am not having a sports car, I won't be 'rev-ing' the engine so frequently. Damn, I need to take a deep breath and cool down. I know the problem but I can't control it. Sooner or later, I am gonna get into a deep shit if I keep this up. Somebody knock some sense into me please.

Sedona trip today! It is one of the cities in Arizona, with lots of Nature Parks. Plenty of nice natural views all around. Anson & Candy skipped the natural sights and was moving around in the town. Whereas, me & Nicholas managed to catch a glimpse of the view of sunset on the
Red Rock State Park. The sights are really awesome but you won't feel the grand of it from the photos, you will need to see it with your own eyes. It's a great trip, too bad we didn't have enough time because we departed from our home kind of late past afternoon, or else we would have try out the off-road Jeep and the All-Terrain-Vehicle (ATV) hikes. Other than these methods of hiking, there is even helicopter and hot air balloon rides over the canyon. Too bad I don't have anyone to share my happiness, if not I will go for the hot air balloon ride, it will be a romantic one, over the sunset...
all gone, just like that... 2:59 PM
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Pots & Pans
The next moment when I am awake from my sleep, will be the start of Thursday. Yeah, weekend is near, moreover its a long weekend because next Monday is
Columbus Day.
*Phew* I just got myself out of the kitchen for preparing tomorrow's dinner. This is the 4th consecutive day that I am in the kitchen. Looking at my massive stock of canned food on the shelves, had determined me to start cooking everyday, in order to finish them up before my end of tour. I don't want to throw them away nor neither do I want to bring them back. Some of the food in the fridge (bought by my room mate) are already rotting. I hate wasting food, so I planned to consume them all up by this week.
Almost everybody in the squadron prepare their lunch/dinner and pack it to work. Firstly, it is not as expensive as dinning out everyday and secondly, not everybody can take those kind of American fast food as daily meals. I seldom or can even say that I rarely cook and pack food to work, because I am not a great chef... I am a regular fast food
drive-thru customer.
I still can remember when I was young, I used to get a stool to stand up high beside the stove, so that I can see what my mum is doing to the food in the wok, whenever she is cooking. To think of it now it is kind of funny, I will always be in the kitchen with my mum, looking at her stirring up our sumptuous meal and my brother will rather go watch the cartoons on TV. It is an irony that I have so little knowledge of cooking. Lolz.
Before I came over here, I never have to bother about what should I have for the next meal everyday (when at home). I just eat whatever my mum had prepared. Now I have to do it myself. Living on myself... First when I came I was like only at the level of cooking instant noodles. Subsequently, I had improved as time goes by. I called up my mum to ask about the ingredients, try & error, learn from those better "chef" colleagues and do little experiments. All I can say is that it's not easy. Preparing the ingredients takes time, putting them all together takes skill, upon finishing, one got to clear up all the utensils used in the process. Now that I understands what are the hassles of preparing a meal, I will even more appreciate what is being served on the table by anyone else. Those that are married with their wife here, are blessed because they are not handling these hassles after work. Whereas the single guys like me have got only 2 choices, to prepare food for tomorrow or drive-your-way-thru tomorrow...
all gone, just like that... 6:36 PM
Monday, October 1, 2007
Sunday Spree
I had been sleeping the whole of
Sunday until I got a call from Nicholas to get me off my bed to go accompany him go shopping. I only meant to accompany him to shop as I had already went to the
Paradise Valley Malls on
Saturday after sending off those guys at the airport. Didn't know that by accompanying him, I ended up doing some damage to my wallet and bank account... (By the way, I need a new set of wallet & key + coin pouch)

He only wanted to get some t-shirts from Abercrombie & Fitch. We ended up getting hell lots of stuffs that we didn't planned for today. Below are just what I had got for myself, Nicholas also got about the same amount as me. I also bought some t-shirts for my brother and friends.
- 3 Polo-tees [
Abercrombie & Fitch]

- A pair of sneakers [ALDO]
- Bermuda & Cap [American Eagle]
- T-shirt [DKNY]
- Belt [GUESS]
- 29" 4-wheeler Luggage [Samsonite]
All is worth it I guess. I got them all at discount prices. When they say SALE here, they mean it. It's not like Singapore's retail, where they jack up the original prices then they throw in another percentage of discount. Moreover Winter is coming, they are clearing out most summer clothing and stuffs. This will be my last seasonal sale shopping because the next one they are having, they will be clearing out the winter wear. I will be going back SG when Spring comes and I can't be buying much winter stuffs back to SG, it's too warm to be wearing that kind of clothing back there. Oh as for the luggage, I buy it just because I was carrying too much paper bags, I need something to hold them all. Lolz. Just kidding. After the recent tour to Japan, I find my 31" 2-wheeler Samsonite is such a burden for travel. It's kind of bulky and just the 2 wheels make it difficult to maneuver around and the parts for the interior are falling off due to a bad design.
After all the shopping, we went back to the west valley's
Applebee's for dinner. It's an enjoyable day we both had. After the day's event, I still need to go back home and prepare for work tomorrow.
all gone, just like that... 6:42 PM