Wednesday, August 29, 2007
What goes around, comes around
Dragged myself out of bed again... For lunch with Nichelle. One of my few american friends that I have here. I got to go post out my cheque for my air ticket and to gas up my car anyway, so I guess might as well then. Haven't hang out with her for more than a month due both of us were busy with work and classes have started for her because summer holidays are over. Since I am leaving for Japan soon, she decided to catch up with me for awhile so she skipped her classes in the afternoon. We had a Italian lunch over at the Romano's Macaroni Grill. It's kind of a nice place and what's cool is that they teaches you Italian language in their restrooms. Usually you hear music in those restaurants' restrooms but they are broadcasting teaching lessons. Lolz.

Got to go back to work in the afternoon later. *sigh* Project to submit today and presentation tomorrow. They just can't give me a break. Regardless, I am still in the mood of getting to Japan. Work hard & play harder. I will be back in SG for 10 days once the Japan tour is done. I will get to see all my great friends again.

Nicholas, Alvin & me. These are my kakis. Alvin had went back to SG, left us since 30 June 2007. This was taken at the Sky Harbour Airport before he boarded the plane. This time leaving will be me & Nicholas to Japan. We will be back to see him again. We will once more party like we were in Las Vegas, Nevada. High life partying!
all gone, just like that... 6:14 AM
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Trick or Treat?
Music: Diezel - Hypnotic Beat
Dragged myself out of bed for Dim-Sum earlier on. Only 4 hours of sleep... Thanks god that I am not driving, my friends came to pick me up. Set off for Great Wall but due to some reason it was closed when we got there, ended up at Golden Buddha instead. It's quite some time since we ever had Dim-Sum. No matter what food that came up, it was all good because all of us were damn hungry.
It's all about shopping after the meal. It's kind of a routine for us to do on weekends. My last shopping event was about 2 months ago due to working on weekends since. I hardly do any shopping when I was back in SG, only here I will go on a spree. Got myself a Polo Ralph Lauren's polo-tee and a pair of Coach's sneakers today. Cool stuffs. I love them all. I've been working so hard and yet not spending anything on myself is not the way. Sometime, it's just good to pamper myself abit. Enough for today because I will sure to do more shopping over at Tokyo, Japan next week.

Dinner was at
P.F. Chang's China Bistro. Keep hearing from my friends that the food is awesome, so this is the first time I dine there. The food is really good. Splendid Asian cuisines with the taste of Asia. A place of class.
Suppose to hit the club, Radius, at Scottsdale but none have the mood of clubbing as all of us were dead beat. Had been roaming around Phoenix since the morning. I actually "passed out" most of the time when I was in the car. Zzz... Even though tired, nobody wanted to end the day. Come on, it's Saturday night! We decided to chill out over at our Squadron's lounge again. Free flow of alcohols, unlimited rounds of pool, movies or karaoke at the projector screen, PS2 or Xbox on the Plasma TV. What else do you wanna ask for? All were refreshed as we hit the lounge, occupied by those entertainment systems. Managed to have fun till 4.30am, when we finally decided to let our mind & body to rest...
all gone, just like that... 7:50 PM
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Little People Everywhere
It's a tough week so far. Had been working like more than 12 hours everyday. Got presentation slides to prepare, project to research and to deal with a stupid supervisor, on top of all my daily jobs. Finally the weekend! Just got back home from hanging out with a great friend over at our squadron's lounge. Had some drinks, played some pool and KTV too. A few of us, single guys always will hang out over there after work cause we have nothing much to do anyway for going back home so early. Just a chill out session to keep our mind off work.
An officer offered me an extension for another 6 months upon the completion of my 25 months detachment here. This question kept me in a dilemma. If the offer was being made 8 months ago, I would had accept it without hesitation, but now we have got 2 useless supervisors that got posted here on December 2006. They are a pain in the ass to work with. They are poor in planning, knowledge, work processes and they always act like they know everything, giving all the wrong information to everybody. All they know is paper talk. They are both good boot-lickers, especially PBL. I can't stand him. I always have the urge to beat him up or to argue with him. He had already committed a crime when he was born, for looking so ugly. Same color as shit, smells like shit, I believe he is shit. Always using his rank to press on others and he likes to prey on the weak. How can I work with these brainless people for another 6 months of extension? No doubt, the pay here is good, but I will be damn unpleasant. Not to say that he will be picking on me cause he knows I am not an easy prey but I just can't stand people with this kind of characteristic. Enough of him. As for another guy, he is a big silly guy. That's it. 2 of them are bad enough to bring down the whole Crew Chief trade.
I am still weighing the pros & cons. Lots of issues in my mind. I will discuss it with my friends later since we are meeting up for Dim-Sum, and only if they are interested in hearing me. Gonna catch some sleep. 4 hours left...
all gone, just like that... 8:59 PM
Friday, August 24, 2007
Hear No Evil
Just managed to called back home to speak to mum. Seems like there are tonnes of problems happening back home. It's a series of problems, a chain reaction effect. From one leads to another. She always tells me what is going on around the family, updating me everything, complaining to me on some stuff and etc. Always ended up I don't have the opportunity to speak about myself here in the states. Maybe I am a born listener. I am a good listener in fact. I have many coming to me to tell me stuffs, secrets or problems. I am absorbing so many daily. I think to myself, sometimes I just wish to vent myself off but there is nobody there... Everybody is inputting me for solutions or advice. No
soul mate or anybody to hear my words. And even just now at the phone call, when I was about to bring out my problems to my mum, speaking halfway, her
hand phone went flat...
To think about it, I miss my one and only buddy, Ice. We always hang out, we go everywhere anyhow. Talk about everything anytime. He is my listener (
although he talks most of the time), no doubt he will be there to get me away from the confusions I had in my mind. By the way, we are not gay, he is just my friend since 12 years ago. I guess only he knows me best since only he listens to me...

I am wearing a mask everyday. People sees me doing good all the time, at work, in life, drives a nice car, getting
recognition & achievements, telling me that I am doing well but deep down I am putting up with alot of things in life. I don't know or forgot how to express my feelings now. I feel numb...
all gone, just like that... 9:03 PM
Monday, August 20, 2007
Stagnant cycle
I was supposed to fill this up in the early hour of dawn when I got home but had received a call from Singapore and ended up kept me away from my keyboard until I went to bed. Yesterday was a lazy saturday until my friends came up knocking on my door to ask me go chill out with them as I haven't been answering their calls since afternoon. (Sleeping)
We headed to this club, Barcelona, which is about 45 mins drive away. The drive is a boring one, believe me. I will always be the driver cause I don't drink much, and the rest of my passengers will be sleeping in my car. Zzz...
I was so pissed by this guy LWT. He is such a bad & lousy driver. So there were 2 cars heading down, me and moron LWT is driving, he doesn't know how to get there, he should follow my lead. But he didn't. Moron is acting smart and so he sped off, I didn't bother cause I knew he will slow down when he realise that he is a moron again. True enough, he braked. Along the highway, he tailgated me all the way. If I did an emergency brake, I guess I will see him flying out of his windscreen, over my car roof and drop dead infront of my bumper, with his neck in between his steering wheel and the air bag exploding over his moronic head. So much for reaching our destination...
Lights up, party's over. We are heading back to our area for supper. LWT doesn't know how to go back. As before, he did the moronic act again. What is he trying to proof? My car can easily beat the crap out of his 'grandpa car'. This time along the highway, he drove beside me, hiding in my blindspot. I can't see his car so I accelerated to get the view, and he did the same, hiding in my blindspot again. I deccelerated, he too did the same. He was on my right side all the way, even when I signal to make an exit, he is still not giving way. I floored my acceleration pedal to dash for the exit. The moment I got out of my car I was trashing him for what he did just now. He still wants to argue back. Until SWC told me to cool off then I let the matter rest. I am not going anywhere next time with that moron driving again. He is 30 years old and I can't believe he is so childish...
Forget about the moron, as for the place, Barcelona. Everything is good except its crowd. 90% is 35 years old and above, 5% is senior citizen, the remaining is me, my friends and the waitresses. Among all these, there was a large group of Bangladesh, that makes the dancefloor and everywhere stinks~~. Everything was a turn-off except for the band group and the waitresses. I guess, I am getting bored of the clubbing scene... I still likes the dance music, the bass, beats & melody, but somehow I don't have the mood of those people on the dancefloor. I see them screaming, arms in the air dancing, singing to the songs and etc. I can't find the mood anymore. I will rather get a place to sit down, drink and chat than to squeeze around crowds and shouting with loud music in the background to make conversations. It's been 11 years of clubbing since I was 14. Maybe it's time that I am tired of it... Maybe I enjoyed life too early...
all gone, just like that... 3:50 AM
Sunday, August 19, 2007
This is impossible...

I can't believe this is happening. I am actually writing a blog! Oh my God... The truth I felt about bloggers is that they have too much time on hands and have nothing much important to do. This statement doesn't applies to
ALL. You can see some of them really put in so much time & efforts on their blogs whereas some of them only take this as an "e-diary" kind of thing to note down their days of their life...
Since young I had never thought of having a diary. I remembered I tried keeping a diary once, but I didn't have much to write about so I guess I threw it away anyway. Now with e-diary, everything seems much simpler. The thing that pushes me to start this is, I guess also the html designs part. I had spent 2 days coming up with designs. Fell asleep in front of the computer desk and got a bad knock on my skull. Damned.
I won't have the time to update it daily but I will try as many... Never have much to write since young, never much the same until now... I think of this as a place for me to vent my vexes. Since I have got no soulmate or anybody to hear me...
By the way, today is a special day for someone... Hope she is enjoying herself. Happy Birthday to you and my blog...
all gone, just like that... 10:28 AM