It's that time of the year again, when we have new breeds of manpower rotation. A month ago we were sending people off at the airport. Now we are gonna have a welcome party for the new guys. It's been sometime since we ever had such gatherings. Such parties are healthy (even though many kidneys are damaged) because it strengthens the team work and the togetherness of our

First, to be able to join us as a Crew Chief of the
Black Widow, you must consume a raw egg together with the shell. Yes, you gotta grind the shell with your teeth, mix it all up in your mouth and swallow without dripping any, or else you will be awarded with a 2nd egg. To assist you with that swallowing, is a can of beer that you must finish drinking.
Second, take the squadron's shot; Widow Bite.
Third, take our Crew Chief's house mix; Falcon Bite. (ingredient is any liquid, mostly alcohol, free for all to mix.)

After all that you are proudly a Black Widow Crew Chief... Tough s*** huh? Now who wants to be a Crew Chief? Whoever thinks its easy, step out! Give them about 30 minutes, they should be puking, but of course within the 30 minutes, the rest of us will still be forcing more alcohol down their throat. After an hour, they should be knocked out, sleeping like a baby...
It's usually a mess when we have these kind of functions due to people getting drunk and puking everywhere. Those designated drivers and sober ones are to help clear up the squadron's lounge when the event is over... We had an enjoyable night. I feel good about our esprit de corp...