Friday, October 26, 2007
My Blog Name

This is what I believed and everybody should. Those that think otherwise are probably mentally ill.
Live life to the max. Enjoy every single second of your life, as you have no idea what will happen tomorrow. And most importantly enjoy what you choose to do...
Everybody in my field of work had, in the first place, chosen to be in here and doing what they are suppose to be doing now. Since they chose to sign on that piece of paper, they should be contended to what they have now. But everyday I hear people bitching about their job. The problem with these people is that they are looking for a job that pays them damn freaking well and do nothing at all. Dream on guys. Wake up! Whenever I hear people who are looking for a job, I always advice them to go for something that they are interested in. It's really important that you do what you are into, disregarding what it rewards you at the end of day, else you will be dragging yourself out of bed and shambling to work everyday. On the contrary, I like going to work. Because when I am in the squadron, I get to work with a lot of colleagues. Yes, colleagues. Most are good colleagues. We work hard and we have fun together. I mentioned colleagues rather than friends because...
Main Entry: 1friend Pronunciation: \ˈfrend\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle English frend, from Old English frēond; akin to Old High German friunt friend, Old English frēon to love, frēo free Date: before 12th century1 a: one attached to another by affection or esteem b: acquaintance
2 a: one that is not hostile b: one that is of the same nation, party, or group
3: one that favors or promotes something (as a charity)
4: a favored companion
5 capitalized: a member of a Christian sect that stresses Inner Light, rejects sacraments and an ordained ministry, and opposes war —called also Quaker...I don't see myself as any definitions of the word "
Friend". Well, after work we all take our own path and walk our way. It's just another day of work. Dictionary only gives you a general surface definition. You think you have a lot of friends? Let's do a count of friends on your MSN Messenger, Friendster, MySpace, email contacts and cellphone contacts. Getting hundreds? Cool. You try get into a real deep s*** trouble, look around and see who's left beside you, then you will know who your true friend really is... (yes, maybe you guys reading, have alot more than me, I am just expressing myself. This is my blog, remember?) I had been through all these before, I had my downs of my life, I know who my friends are... I may think otherwise from the others because I had started looking at life differently in the early stages of mine. You name it; I had experienced it, all the bad stuffs. I had no regrets. I have seen & heard a lot, but its not just memories. I take every encounter as something to learn. From there, I grow...
mask are you putting on today?
Each of us owns an array of masks... We have them on as we stepped out of our home. Most people don't notice that they are wearing it, only a few realizes... Different occasions, different purposes, different expressions... That's why we have people from all walks of life. End of the day, when we are back home, needless to hide, we reveal our true self again...
It's a material world. Hardly anyone is really truthful in the society right now. Only those real naive, those children. As human intellect manifests, it’s all about domination, survivor of the strongest, for the best of oneself and wealth at other's expenses... Then of course I am not saying that all mankind are like this. Somewhere out there, there are people who are
saviors reaching out to those in needs, irregardless of their status compared to the society. I hereby thank you all...
all gone, just like that... 1:16 PM

Kent ZZ
25th June 1982
Woodlands, Singapore
No Music. . .
No Life. . . . .
♥♥ My Little Vampire ♥♥
Night Breeze
Clubs & Dance
Designs & Styles
Moonlight & Stars
Black / White / Grey / Blue
Bad Hair Days
Financial Freedom
Get my back center piece from Kat Von D
Complete my art A.S.A.P.
Find my perfect partner
All things to go well & stay happily together
World tour [Foot Stepped] :
[√] Australia ↓
. Rockhampton, Queensland
[√] Canada ↓
. Edmonton, Alberta
[√] Hong Kong ↓
. Chek Lap Kok Airport [Int]
[√] India ↓
. Kalaikunda Air Force Station, West Bengal, Kolkata
[√] Japan ↓
. Hakone
. Tokyo
[√] Malaysia ↓
. Johor Bahru
. Kuala Lumpur
. Melaka
. Yong Peng
[√] South Korea ↓
. Incheon International Airport [Int]
[√] Taiwan ↓
. Taipei
[√] Thailand ↓
. Bangkok
. Nakonratchasima
[√] United States of America ↓
. Fairbanks North Star Borough, Alaska
. Flagstaff, Arizona
. Grand Canyon, Arizona
. Phoenix, Arizona
. Los Angeles, California
. San Diego, California
. San Francisco, California
. Panama City, Florida
. Destin, Florida
. Boise, Idaho
. Mountain Home, Idaho
. Twin Falls, Idaho
. Bossier City, Louisiana
. Saint Louis, Missouri
. Jackpot, Nevada
. Las Vegas, Nevada
. Rachel, Nevada
. Wendover, Nevada
. Salt Lake City, Utah
. 4 Corners - Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona & Utah
Next Stop :
[x] Antartica
[x] China
[x] Europe
[x] Middle East
[x] Russia
[x] South America